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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. HTML is so good because it is easy to understand and anyone can use it anywhere. There is no need to buy a special software to create HTML because it is just a text and it can be created by using notepad or text wrangler (for apple computers) for free. HTML is all you need to put anything online.

CSS stands for Cascading Style sheet. CSS is created to instruct your webpage browser to how to draw. CSS is used to allow you to style your HTML data with lots of different colour codes, font styles, sizes and many more.

Semantic markup means using the correct tag to accurately describe the type of content. this includes heading tags, paragraphs and lists. The used of semantic markup is important because it makes reading code much, much easier because you can see and understand what is happening.

Censorship is the suppression of speech or deletion of material which may be considered harmful, sensitive of inconvenient to the government or media organisation as determined by a censor. The Australian government has come up with a plan for the mandatory internet clean-feed to prevent child's pornography. Stephen Conroy announced the federal government to introduce an ISP-based filter to censor "inappropriate material" from the internet to protect children.

Having said this, I agree that the government should start putting filter to censor all the inappropriate material not just from the internet but also from all media around Australia. Child abuse and pornography do not just come from the internet. It comes from video games such as Grand Theft Auto and other games out there.

When it comes to responsibility and decision making, it is not just the government responsibility and decision to protect children from what they shouldn't have seen. The parents responsibility comes first in this point. But, it is government responsibility to make parents aware about moral damage that child pornography could cause now and in the future.

Privacy is the most important thing you need when you make a webpage or even just entering your personal details on the internet. By having privacy, it will keep you personal details save and secured.

APIs. I haven't really got to know what it is.. :(

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