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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

project B - on the making part 1

On this Project B, I have decided to create a geo - narrative that will also include some data visualisation. According to Stephen the combination of the two would be interesting to look at and also challenging.

This project is going to be based on comparisons between Disney, Warner Bros, Universal and MGM theme parks all around the world. The comparisons between them will be shown in Google Maps. Currently, this Project is still under construction, so I'll update you with the latest news of this project later.

bye now!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

data visualisation

There are many ways you can visualize data. It can be through colors, shape, size, thickness of a line, and many more.

In the tutorial today, we discussed many different example of data visualisation. One of the example that catches my attention was a video made out of many different information about the use of internet around the world. The use of size of globe that represents different numbers of people using internet each year worldwide and it starts from as little as 45.1 million in 1995 and the globe just keeps on growing up to 1.73 billion internet users worldwide.

Different colour coordination shown on how many spam messages you'd received each day in your mailbox and this was represent as red mails and taller piles, and normal mail was represent in white. I think this is a good way to demonstrate and really put a pressure on the message that they try to deliver.

The way they present the video is really unique i think because they have used the actual logos of particular websites. For example Twitter, they have used Twitter bird to describe how many tweets are going into twitter each day. They also use Asthon Kutcher as an example and attached his picture on the slide to show 4.63 million people are actually following him on twitter.

The same with YouTube, they presented the slide as if it was one of the video from youtube site that looks like a little television screen with navigation button underneath. They also associate the colour background accordingly with the colour theme on each websites (Twitter: light blue, YouTube: red)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

collective intelligence, multiplicity week 10

This week lecture and tutorial topic is Multiplicity.

Our tutorial group come up with the idea on creating a City Car Tracker that can track all the cars in the city using the microchip that attached to every single cars in the city to feed GPS tracking signal.
This microchip will be aggregated through a database and the live feed shown on a web map, with cars represented as white dots. This map will give you an access to a data that shown the traffic in certain hours, rush hours, events and incidents that effected the traffic. Therefore, people could choose other directions to avoid traffic.

this microchip will also provide the governments with data to reassess where to build traffic lights, new road, roundabouts and adjusting the speed limits on certain areas if there are many accident involved in those areas.

If you like our ideas please support us on sending this great idea to the Australian government in order to get a better day on the road!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

week 9

This week we were talking about Web 2.0.

In tutorial we were given a group task to identify the collective intelligence between and

By using google trends we found that using the search engine in google, wordpress is more popular than blogger. The reason was that wordpress is used by many companies so it is more corporate. Therefore, when you type in the company name into google search engine it will automatically comes as with wordpress URL.

Whereas under websites visited by the population, google trend showed that blogger is the most visited website than wordpress. The reason why is because blogger is more personal and easier to use than wordpress. The statistic shows that in 2002 there were 41,000 people registered with blogger.

The difference collective intelligence between blogger and wordpress is that blogger's blog roll is used to share information to other people and recommends other websites. Whereas wordpress blog roll is used to advertised the company's products so instead of driving the viewer's attention to other websites it actually keeps the viewers attention to the products the company sells.